Tag: attendance

How low attendance impacts the school’s budget

By Ernesto H. There have been many absences for the past years at CATS with seats waiting for students to occupy them. But few students know that when they miss class, that also means less money goes to the school in the future. So what is the connection between attendance and a school’s budget? On a random day, Ms. Nguyen, said, “We have 169 absences, so then we make phone calls home, but that’s like after the first period, so sometimes students come back later.” She explained that many students are counted absent at first because

Editorial: Tardy sweeps don’t work

By Jeremy L. and Joshua C. Our school’s tardy sweeps in the morning are not working. The tardy sweeps began in January and are still ongoing, as explained in the article “Why are we having tardy sweeps” by Maria M.. It’s clear that many students strongly dislike the new tardy sweeps and so does the editorial board. The tardy sweeps in the morning are just a horrible system, and students are still coming late to school in the morning. There are several reasons for why the tardy sweeps don’t work. One major reason is that being

Why are we having ‘tardy sweeps’?

By Maria M. In January 2023, CATS began implementing a new system called “tardy sweeps” to ensure that students make it to class on time. A major reason why the school proposed having the tardy sweeps is because “More than 100 students were coming late to school,” according to attendance counselor Ms. Del Castillo. “Every period is 80 minutes, and we noticed that students were missing learning time.” The tardy sweeps were something that the support staff and the counselors proposed as a way of trying to get students to go to class. The problem now

Como COVID ha impactado a CATS

Por Luis N., Eric M., y Cristian V. Por lo menos 120 estudiantes han salido positivo por COVID-19 desde que los estudiantes regresaron a la escuela a principios de enero y ahora, según los administradores de CATS. Hay más de 500 estudiantes en la escuela.  El subdirector de la escuela, Mr. Antonio Roque, dijo que esto ha causado que muchos estudiantes falten a la escuela. Mr. Roque dijo que parte de las ausencias es por COVID-19, pero no todas las ausencias son por COVID. “Hay muchos que están faltando porque están saliendo positivos y tienen que
