Category: Q&A

LA wildfires: Mr. Martinez reflects on the impact on after school activities like SRLA

By Kimberly B. Mr. Martinez is 9th grade English teacher, Leadership teacher, and a coach for Diego Rivera’s SRLA team. During this time of the wildfires, what were your initial thoughts when coming to school during the bad air quality? Oh man, I hated it. I was like, I don’t know why we’re coming to school. Something similar happened when I was in high school, when there was fires, and you could literally see the ash come down and I remember breathing that in and having coughs, and it sucked. I was like, I don’t know

LA wildfires: Mr. Nueva on the impact of toxic emissions

by Emmanuel O. Mr. Nueva is the Chemistry teacher for CATS. Where were you when you found out about the fire? I was at home. I’m pretty sure what I was doing. I was on Reddit and I saw a post about all the fires. Were you affected by the fire or any of your family members? I personally was not affected. I live kinda far away from here, I’m a little bit closer to the Altadena fire the one by Pasadena. I was a little closer to that but I was thankfully not affected by
