Category: School
By Nimrod R. and Angel T. Ms. Grace McCullough gave birth to baby Luna Eztli Maria on September 28. Ms. Grace, who is a history teacher and chair of the UTLA chapter at CATS, went on maternity leave at the end of September. Long-term substitute Ms. Angel has been covering for her since then. Anthony G., a senior, said that Ms. Grace’s temporary departure was met with “mixed emotions.” “For me, the short departure of Ms. Grace is a sad experience as she always puts one hundred [percent] of her energy into her work,” he said.
By Luis N., Cristian V., and Eric M. En el momento que entras al game room, ves varias hileras de mesas y en una parte hay estudiantes jugando Nintendo Switch. Se siente una emoción porque están compitiendo 8 participantes de las diferentes escuelas y solo los mejores podrán pasar a la final. Uno por uno, van disminuyendo los participantes y se pone más intenso. Quién será el ganador? Los participantes están muy ansiosos por saber quién ganará. Mientras eso pasa, en otro grupo están otros estudiantes jugando con juegos de mesa. Se siente una tranquilidad y
A vigil was held at CATS for the 21 victims of the Uvalde shooting in Texas. Each empty chair represented a life lost to gun violence.
By Maria M. Are you failing any classes at CATS? Well, you are not alone. But the school is trying to reach out to whoever is falling so students can get the help that they need to succeed. Mrs. Marshay Calloway-Franks, who is the Equity and Intervention Coordinator at CATS, said that “When students fail courses, it may affect their A-G eligibility for college admission.” She explained that “it affects how many credits [students] receive, which impacts if they are able to graduate, and causes them to be further behind.” But that’s not all, she said.
By Alexis A. and Jesus C. School is supposed to be a safe environment for all students. Although that isn’t always the case. As of recently, there have been acts of vandalism and break-ins,, among other things. In the second to last week of school, the main office and another classroom on the first floor of CATS were broken into and vandalized. The glass partition in the main office door was shattered. But there have been previous break-ins, too, at other schools on the Diego Rivera campus. As Ms. Michele Smith, Assistant Principal of Operation at
By William A. and Antonio B. On May 13, CATS seniors attended their Decision Day banquet held in the MPR to celebrate their post-high school plans. College decisions are an important moment for all senior students who are about to graduate and even for those who will have to start the process next year. Senior Aremy O., who is also the class salutatorian, said the college she will attend will be the University of California, Irvine. She stated the reason she chose UC Irvine is because the school offered her a scholarship that made it stand
How do students manage school and work? As of now Irvin M. a junior, isn’t working, however he used to work at Taco Bell and worked there for 3 months. Irvin’s main reason for working in a job was mainly the money, but also the opportunity to be a part of a family franchise. “I love the hard experience given at work, in which it takes a tough time to handle and be quick, lacking was the part of the job but getting better is the best part.” But it wasn’t easy. “Well managing [both] was
By Jefrey R., Martin P. and Marlon P. Muchos estudiantes de CATS entre el grado 11 y 12 se han quejado sobre que no hay espacio suficiente para que los estudiantes se parqueen en la escuela y nos cuentan cómo les afecta. El subdirector de la escuela Mr. Antonio Roque dijo algo muy importante y fue “Una de las razones porque la escuela no deja que los estudiantes que traen carros pueden parquearse ahí es porque no hay suficiente espacio para todo el personal de la escuela.” Explicó que porque han habido incidentes o accidentes en
By Erick B. “If I never got into running, I could definitely see my life being different than what it is now because a lot of the friends I’ve made, I wouldn’t know them.” ALAN C., CATS JUNIOR 11th grader Alan C. completed the Los Angeles Marathon on March 20, finishing it in 6 hours and 16 minutes. “It was exciting and definitely nerve racking,” Alan said. “I think the most challenging part would be the hills.” He said the weather was nice and that lots of people were cheering, but he wishes he had performed