Profile: It’s Decision Time for Graduating Senior Gerson

Profile: It’s Decision Time for Graduating Senior Gerson
Gerson looks toward a bright future.

By Jesse A. and Osman S.

College admissions can be stressful, and once your admitted to your ideal school, you’re now set. While most students don’t always get accepted to their first choice, they have other options to explore once they start seeing their acceptance letters. One student got as many 6 acceptance letters. Meet Gerson B., a Senior here at CATS that got those 6 acceptances.  

One of the top schools that he was admitted to was Cal State Long Beach, which has a 31.9% acceptance rate, and one of the hardest schools in the state to get into. He also got admitted into UC Davis and UC Riverside, two of the nine most impacted UC campuses. His final decision was a tough one and eventually he decided he will attend Cal State Long Beach or the fall 2019 semester.

Gerson has came along way to reach to this pivotal point, from freshman year to now. He has provided sufficient effort, as he has accumulating a 3.9 GPA all throughput his high school career. He’s garnered a little fame in the school, as he is widely known as the smartest student amongst his peers.

“Honestly it’s an honor that people recognize me as the most academically talented amongst all the students here at this school.”

“As I checked my portals for the colleges I applied to, I was proud to find out that 6 schools had accepted me. It meant that all my hard work had been paid off. My parents  realized that I was in the direction of a bright future. I could now financially support them but most importantly, make all of their sacrifices worth it.”

To begin his journey, Gerson freshman year played Soccer for the Diego Rivera Varsity team. He also took as many as 5 AP courses from 11th to 12th grade year.  And now, he is in a position to move forward on to a path in becoming an electrical engineer, as that will be his major. Summer is just right around the corner, and major change is upon arrival.

“My plan for the summer is to to get a job in order to pay for the college that I’m going to. In order to help myself and my family financially on my way to the college. As well, I want to visit my college in order to find my way around during the fall semester. My plan for the fall is to move in to my college and start my education.”
