Profile: Why Mr. Martinez loves to travel

Profile: Why Mr. Martinez loves to travel

By Wendy G.

“I think you learn a lot more by traveling than you do anywhere else,” said Mr. Benny Martinez, a 9th-grade English teacher.

Mr. Martinez has traveled all over the United States and to El Salvador. What he likes about being able to travel is that “I get to explore brand-new places” and meet new people.

He says that his most memorable trip is going to Yellowstone two years ago because it was a dream of his to go. He said, “I got to see a lot of things I never got to see in person.”

For example, he was able to see wildlife in action undisturbed by humans. “There’s no buildings in there. It’s just wilderness. And you see a bunch of bison coming through and it’s amazing,” he said.

On one of his trips, Mr. Martinez went to a campground that was allegedly haunted by someone that died from drowning. “And so me and my friends thought it would be a good idea to go look at it,” he said. He realized that it was super silent. He called that the “the scariest thing I’ve ever done.”

Furthermore, Mr. Martinez said that he started traveling because he has a burning “curiosity that just keeps on growing” to explore more of this world. Also, when asked about how he avoids overspending he said he believes depleting his savings to have novel experiences is acceptable for him.

He said, “I think that when you die you take nothing with you except your memories and experience.”
