Category: School

CATS students and teachers return to campus for hybrid learning

By Jesse L. Schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District will finally began reopening the week of April 12 after closing for about a year due to the pandemic. CATS welcomed back students on Tuesday, April 27. 148 CATS students are coming back. The United Teachers Los Angeles members had agreed on a hybrid teaching system for a safer experience. They agreed to 3 essential terms, the school staff will have access to vaccinations, students will only continue to return as long as the Los Angeles County remains at a lower count of COVID 19,

Students share their thoughts on one-year lockdown anniversary and looming return to campus

It was maybe the unluckiest of all Friday the 13s. On March 13, 2020, LAUSD announced that school campuses would shut down and learning would move online for two weeks to help stop the spread of COVID-19. It was longer than two weeks. One year later, students discuss their experiences during the pandemic and their concerns about a nearing return to campus.
