Godzilla vs. Kong, did it deliver or did it flop?

Godzilla vs. Kong, did it deliver or did it flop?
Via Legendary Entertainment.

By Jesse L.

This film has been long anticipated by fans of the monsterverse which is a series of films mostly starring the kaiju (giant monster) Godzilla. This matchup had already been done in the past many years ago but this film would be not only a modern version but a completely new story giving room for a new outcome and plot in general. However, one question amongst many fans still roams around, was the new modern Godzilla vs Kong good?


Going into this film, there is obviously only one thing you’re mainly focused on, watching 2 giant monsters fight. Unlike some of the previous modern Godzilla films, Godzilla vs Kong offered a lot more fight scenes improvising on the criticism the previous films got for not having as much action. The cgi looked amazing, the cgi models along with the background choices for the battles were all visually pleasing. Another thing this film did great was following the typical team up at the end cliche while still giving us a victor of the main battle that was promised. Overall, this film did exceptional in the action department and really delivered in that aspect, I give that a 5 out of 5.


The plot was also a decent improvement from the previous films. Another complaint most people had was that the plots of some of the last films were somewhat boring and hard to follow because of that, this film however improves on this. This time around, we get 2 small casts for a A plot and B plot type of format, both plots revolve mainly around a small group to make it easier to follow and both groups are heavily involved with the monsters of the film which keeps both plots connected to the overall point of this film, Godzilla fighting Kong. The story manages to not stray away from the meat and potatoes of this film keeping it interesting at all times and also making it easy to follow. Now it doesn’t have some deep philosophical plot or nothing that goes above surface level depth but in this case that isn’t a problem because the main point of this film is to see the monsters fight. The plot worked perfectly for what the film was trying to do so I give it 4, maybe 5, out of 5.


One of the last things I will go over is the kaijus themselves, were they handled well in this film? My answer to that is yes, they were. Instead of just having 2 giant monsters fight it out, they gave some lore to explore between both monsters and also gave some focus on Kong giving him a sort of character arc to make him more interesting and not just a bland monster whose only purpose is to provide cool fights. Godzilla may have had less focus but at least showed some personality in his appearances such as anger, cockiness and even giving mercy to his opponent. So while he had barely any focus on him, he still felt like a character as well. In this aspect I give the film a 3 out of 5 simply because I believe there could have been a little more focus on Godzilla and the overall ancient rivalry the ancestors of the two kaiju had.

Should you watch it?

So overall, if you are a fan of the monsterverse or just kaijus, I definitely recommend giving it a watch. Even if you are not really a fan of the franchise, I still recommend this film for it is definitely one of the better action films from these past years and I don’t believe you could get the full experience if you don’t watch it on the big screen.
